Weekly Plans August 21-25

Students will have a digital interactive notebook activity daily to be completed the first 10-15 minutes of class

Monday-Armband activity, explain Tinker vs. Des Moines case

Tuesday-Take A Stand activity, discuss case summaries-watch Morse vs. Frederick video http:////www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvTx-jXfdaA Closing Question-Should people be allowed to say whatever they want, no matter what? If not, how should we decide how to limit their speech?

Wednesday-I will be out for jury duty. Students will read and answer questions about Hazelwood case

Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeier-14lnt5h

Thursday-jury duty again 🙁

Read the two news articles that deal with first amendment issues. Then answer the questions that follow.

First Amendment news story questions-1wryjzs

Friday-review answers from news stories, 1st Amendment Quiz

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